Friday, May 21, 2010

Week 7 - time flies when you're having fun!!

Location: Kampala, Uganda
This week we resumed classes which was a little weird because we spent a lot of time traveling for two weeks doing various projects. Nonetheless, it was nice to get back into the swing of things. We had a group meeting and something clicked...only 3 weeks left!!! I felt like I just got here and now I have to start wrapping things up?? It's mind boggling to think about where I was emotionally before I came and now. I feel like its a night and day difference. A lot of us don't want to leave and I know it's definitely going to be a struggle adjusting to life in the states. Yes there is indoor plumbing most everywhere but the people here are so amazing!! I never would have dreamed that I would fall in love with Uganda but now it is my goal to get a job and find my way back.
This week, we had wonderful lectures on Gender and Law in Uganda. There was so much information and remaining issues that I was not aware of. Our professor told us a story about a young woman who was forced by her husband to breastfeed his puppies. He believed that because he gave away his two cows for the bride price that someone had to provide the milk. This went on for years and as she told us this story, everyone was like stone! How could this still be happening? The issue of universal laws was brought up and seen as a challenge because many African countries still practice or maintain certain traditional guidelines, especially when it comes to gender. Looking back, those lectures really opened my eyes and inspired the feminist in me! We still have a long way in the fight for justice and equality and I was so glad to hear what Uganda is doing in order to empower its women.

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