Thursday, May 6, 2010

Week 5- Cool like a Chicken in a Salty Egg

Five of us took a mini-vacation to Zanzibar island in Tanzania.  Zanzibar is an archipelago off the coast of Tanzania that is a popular tourist site due to its rich history, beautiful architecture, and abundance of beaches.  We enjoyed 5 days of "touristy activities" from snorkeling to a spice tour.

It was a really interesting cultural experience leaving Uganda and coming to Tanzania.  We've traveled all over Uganda, east to west but this was our first experience to another African country. Taking a break in Zanzibar was great but I have to admit that I missed the people and culture of Kampala.  Several people that we've met in Uganda have stated that Ugandans are generally friendly. I have to agree. Almost everyone we have interacted with has been really friendly towards us.

Yet, in Zanzibar, people were really agressive and seemingly out to get us.  Street vendors tried to charge us more than double the price, got angry when we didn't go into their stores, and followed us down the street hassling us to buy their products.  Don't misunderstand me; I had a great time but I missed the polite, respectful culture of Kampala. In Zanzibar, we were revenue sources; we were one of the few tourists that come during the slow season so we were prime targets for all the shop owners, taxi drivers, and various vendors that depend on tourism to make a living.  While see some similar things in Kampala- being charged the "mzungu price" and being asked for money from children- we're always respected when we negotiate prices or say no.

It's hard to know whether these differences are cultural or simply due to the differing economies.  Either way, it made me realize how much I've connected with the people in Kampala.  Landing in Entebbe felt like arriving home after a long journey away.  Taking the hour long drive back to Makerere somehow seemed quick and enjoyable despite the jams and bumpy roads.  As a taxi driver said to us in Zanzibar, it was "cool like a chicken in a salty egg." We have no idea what that means but it seems fitting somehow.

Location: Stonetown, Zanzibar, Tanzania

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